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Monday 9 September 2013

Kia Kaha

What is kia kaha? well kia kaha is a subject that is about stopping bullying. Because bullying is such a hurtful thing Tepahu school has been looking at bullying over this last term. we want our school to be a bully free zone. With this takes excersize stopping being a bully doesnt stop like that it takes excersize. First you would need to apoligize to all your victims then you need to maybe change your freinds to nicer people. next you will need to start socialising with your victims just to clear the air.If you are being bullyed tell some one you can trust.


  1. Great post Graham. You have stated some great strategies. Socializing with your victims is a really good one. When you get to know someone you see their good parts. Most bullies don't know their victims at all. How hard do you think it would be for a bully to socialise with the victim? Also, what do you mean by 'exersize'? Great thoughts. I enjoyed reading them. Mr Marquand

  2. By exersize i mean you cant just go straight up to some one and be there freind if you have previously bullied them so it means it takes practise to get to know them more
