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Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Melted crayon art
Last week we were looking at melted crayon art.first we had to design our art on paper . after this we chose our canvas and our crayon coulors then we glued them after we melted the crayons. I really injoyed making my melted crayon art. the hardest thing for me was melting the crayon.
This is my ART
This is my freind daniels which i thought looked really cool
these are the classes ones
This is my ART
This is my freind daniels which i thought looked really cool
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
This term we have been learning about energy these are the different forms of energy sound heat, light, electricity, kinetic potential and magnesium. the speed of sound is 332m/s, an interesting thing about the speed of sound is that actual travels faster through solids and liquids than gases. if an object breaks the speed of sound it is called a sonic boom. a sonic looks like a cone of cloud coming from the point of the object to the tail. what helped to understand this is watching videos of a sonic boom. In class we did a experiment when Mr marquand stood about 100m away and he clapped to pieces of wood together when he clapped them it took a while for sound to get to us so it was like him clapping then a second later you would here the sound. one of the that still confuses me is a light year many people have explained it to me but i still don't understand it. one of the things i learnt about energy is that energy cant be destroyed or created it can only be transferred. how does sound travel? i used to wonder about this until i learnt its a vibration sent through the which squeezes the molecules which vibrate and push the sound waves this is how sound waves are formed.
Thursday, 31 October 2013
In week 2 2013 term 4 te pahu school held an athletics day inviting paterangi school this was a series of 6 events shot put discus sprints hurdles long jump and high jump. My favourite event was discus in this I threw 13:57m 12:32m 14:67m I came 2nd by 10 cm Benc came 1st. The challenge of discus is keeping straight when it's flying without it wobbling. In sprints my rival is Ashton we are the same speed when we lined up I was nervous because I wanted to beat Ashton. It is time, take your marks, set clap we were off unfortunately he came out in the lead and stayed in the lead. He won by 10m this was disappointing knowing that my rival bet me. In my day that was about the only down thing other wise the day was great.
Monday, 21 October 2013
Ag day
On wednesday 16 october tepahu school had there ag day it was a time when the students got to show leadership, responseibility and inovation. the students got to show off there pets or there alternitive challenge all the people i asked said one of the most challenging thing was to get there pet moving. and the most challenging event was leading because the lamb would get spooked or start eating grass. in rearing i think the hardest thing was to remember the poinsnus plants and the 5in1 diseases i only remembered five they were polpykidney, black leg, blackdisease, proven the hardest event was leading but there was a lamb kid or calf that would stand out the alternitive challenge was a home challenge and a school challenge this was when the students had to show inovaation to create something new and exciting. all the fun on ag day was in the classes were they were creating clay models, cupcake decarations or they could decarate thre own shirt. the pta put on a great with organising the food and the rings. the food they put on delicious. with out the pta there would have been no agday so i would like to thank the pta of tepahu school.
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Market Day
preparing for market day was the hardest thing you think your got everything sorted.But when the day came day it was a big rush and no one was as ready as they thought. Like me for instinct me and tyreece were only just set up. If you were wondering what mine was you try throwing a dart at the ballon and in the ballon there was a peice of paper and if there was a 9 on it you would get 9 lollies. the challenges of this was losing darts and keeping track of how many darts they paied for and how many lollies they had. m favourite store was the hacky sack. if your school is doing one of these just remember you can never be completly prepared.
Monday, 23 September 2013
Room 7 Whakapapa Snow Trip 2013
I woke up at 5.00 i was ready we arrived at school we headed off straight away after about 2 hours we arrived when we got there we got our rental tickets then we went down to the rental place we got our equipment then we all headed off i was boarding. on my first try i got up. it was finally my lesson the teacher was pretty harsh we did something wrong he would throw a snow ball at us. it kinda helped me learn faster. near the end of the day we went on sleds we were all trying to go over the edge.the funniest moment for me was when me and Daniel when down the track on the sleds one time we went down we went up the side and we jumped like 35cm off the ground and about 50 cm long it was very accelerating photo time before we all put our rentals back when were getting our photo token we all threw our snowballs at him. Now we returned or hire gear then we were sent on our way. it was the best day EVER.
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Americas cup
You have known that right now the Americas cup event is happening. for those who don't know what it is its to big catamarans that sail against each other. this year it is out of Team emirates New Zealand and team Oracle USA. At the start of the competition team oracle got three points token off them because they had illegal weights on there boat. At the moment New Zealand are on match point because it is best to nine and we are on eight. The standings at the moment are wins: 8 NZ 7 USA. Points: 8 NZ 5 USAGO EMIRATES TEAM NEW ZEALAND
If you see the next Americas cup race cheer for EMIRATES TEAM NEW ZEALAND

Monday, 9 September 2013
Kia Kaha
What is kia kaha? well kia kaha is a subject that is about stopping bullying. Because bullying is such a hurtful thing Tepahu school has been looking at bullying over this last term. we want our school to be a bully free zone. With this takes excersize stopping being a bully doesnt stop like that it takes excersize. First you would need to apoligize to all your victims then you need to maybe change your freinds to nicer people. next you will need to start socialising with your victims just to clear the air.If you are being bullyed tell some one you can trust.
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Mount Pirongia
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Creative Writing
In room7 this year we have been doing creative writing, this is when Mr Marquand writes a topic up on the board and we creatively write about it. For an example once we did something you dropped in the toilet so we had to come up with story. Next time your writing a story think of creative words to put in your story.
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
In room7 for art we looked at kaleidoscopes, kaleidoscopes are same image just repeated. First we choose our picture which had about 50 on one sheet then we cut them all out after glued them all this bit was the trickest i found i glued a couple round the wrong way. Any ways heres the classes kaleidescopes.
Sunday, 11 August 2013
Collage art
This room7s collage art on mine next time I would think more carefully about my coulors.
Monday, 5 August 2013
Sunday, 16 June 2013
This term in maths we have been learning to add and subtract fractions and see which is biggest and by how much? Here are some examples. 1/4 + 6/8 =1 1/4 or 3/8 - 4/16 = 1/8 . I like math it helps you under stand more things in the world. Such as little things around your house hold to big things like making petrol. Math is used daily you might not now it but you do it every day. Math has changed the world.
- Challenge
On thursday room7 walked down to read to the kindy children here are some pictures us reading to them.
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Fishy hands
On Monday room 7 got a fish. We decided to do 3 experiments. 1st we estimated the weight of the fish. My estimation was eleven kgs. Take a guess at the weight. Next we did a stinky hand experiment. Mr Marquand picked 8 people to rub there hands all over the fish then stand by a container. There were different things to wash our hands in. There was fresh water, soap, baking soda, salt, detergent, toothpaste, vinegar and lemon juice. Then we made a hypothesis. My hypothesis was detergent after our hypothesis the tester smelt the volunteers hands then the volunteers washed there hands then the testers smelt there hands again. Coming up in 1st place was detergent with 9/10, 2nd place soap with 8/10, 3rd toothpaste with 6/10 4th vinegar with 5/10. This was a great experiment. These results might not be true because of the smell on the hands and the testers. Mr Marquand cut up three pieces of fish to see which will last the longest. One has salt one hade lemon juice and one just plain. they are now sitting on the window and were waiting for results.
By Graham
By Graham
Sunday, 12 May 2013
In term 1 in room 7 we were looking at shading and different textures. I found the mouth and nose the easiest. The eyes were the most challenging. I think the best part of my picture was my mouth down to my chin. the skills we had to use were shading lightly and darkly and not to rush it. Here is my portrait.
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